AsaVea 5 in 1 Electric Head Shaver Review

Well — I moved out of the 518 to St. Petersburg, FL. The water down here is really hard and I couldn’t get a good shave using my usual razors. I was getting super bad razor burn. So, I checked out some electric dry head shavers. I found the AsaVea 5 in 1 Electric Head Shaver (which can be used dry or wet) and decided to give it a go. I shave my head dry with it and it’s been fantastic since I started using it. I also use it daily and have even started using it on my face and neck with no issues! The other attachments are whatever but the main shaver is great.

I have the video review and some affiliate links below! Hope you check it out.

AsaVea Head Shaver -

Blade Replacements -

GBS Aftershave Balm - Sandalwood 5oz:


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